Cracker, the Lonely Crocodile, is a journey of friendship, courage and determination set around the adventures of Cracker, a loveable crocodile living at a picturesque lake.
As Cracker embarks on a journey from loneliness to being surrounded by friends, children are encouraged to bring the narrative to life using their building blocks.
What makes this Build-a-Book so unique?
✅ Each page of the book presents a new scene to build
✅ It immerses children in Cracker’s world making them an integral part of his story.
✅ Stimulates imagination and creativity to interpret scenes in their own way.
It’s not just about following Cracker’s journey – it’s about building it, brick by brick.
Our kits are ready to use from the moment you open them. Follow our activities using our instruction cards or develop your own. There’s over 100 activities for you when you log into our online portal.
Is it important to you that your child has problem-solving skills and the ability to concentrate and focus? Six Bricks activities and games support the breadth of skills and play to ensure that children gain the skills they need to be successful at school and beyond.
When children play they develop some of the most important skills to ensure that they become lifelong learners. Give children the opportunities to use their whole body to explore and aid their development.